Saturday, November 16, 2013

{Whatcha Reading?} Karma Gone Bad

When I was a teenager, I spent a month in Japan as part of an exchange program. It was one of those things that seemed like a good idea at the time, but as soon as I got there I realized that  I was in way over my head. 

Did I mention that I didn't speak a word of Japanese and knew next to nothing about the culture? 

When I got the chance to read Karma Gone Bad: How I Learned to Love Mangos, Bollywood and Water Buffalo, I was intrigued. One of my best friends moved to India a couple of years ago to be closer to her husband while he was working overseas. My friend didn't last long there.  Aside from a few Travel Chanel and National Geographic specials, I still don't know much of anything about India.

But I'm curious!

Jenny Feldon provides a fascinating glimpse at another culture (my friend had the same complaints about dealing with those  marble floors) and her struggles to cope. She started her trip picturing herself as the perfect expat housewife, but the reality of her life in is far, far different -- and provides for great reading.

You can read about Jenny's current adventures at her blog, Karma (continued...)

Disclosure -- My copy of the book was provided by the publisher.

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