Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Vintage Barbie Patterns

During the brief period that my daughter was interested in Barbie, these patterns were nowhere to be found. I'm glad they finally turned up.  Now I want to pull out the outfits that Grandma sewed for me and see which came from these patterns. I know I've got that caftan in a particularly exciting double knit polyester...

Have you seen? Brittany over at Va-Voom Vintage is making reproductions of the entire 1959 collection of Barbie outfits for her daughter. They're seriously amazing! She couldn't find the right fabric for the apple print dress, so she painted some herself.

I love the original Barbie stuff, but I think the days of finding it in thrift shops are long past. In addition to my mom's Barbie and Ken, I've got two other old Barbies and an original Skipper that Mom and Grandma found in thrift shops when I was little, along with the plane and the boat.

Maybe I could sew some of those outfits I wish I had.

1 comment:

Jo said...

Some of my first sewing that I remember was done using the Simplicity 7737. I thought I was so cool because I made the ruffle on the shawl. Of course I made mine in calico prints...HA!!


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